BFR after Knee Surgery - improved muscle strength, size & function in 12 sessions

Episode #27

Welcome back to this month's episode.


It's been a busy couple of months and so firstly a few updates.

1. Valve upgrade - from a product viewpoint, I have upgraded the valve connectors and I have been getting positive reviews and these are much more preferable from my customers. All products from now on will be supplied with this. If you want to upgrade your valves please contact me via my website and I we can discuss how we can make this happen.

2. Online strength & conditioning programming - over the COVID period I increased the amount of online clients and have really enjoyed it. So it you want a personalised training program from BFR specific, rehab, general fitness & strength or elite performance please contact me.


When I started to prep for this article, I started to think that this would be best served as a small series of paper reviews which highlight the many ways you can utilise BFR around a knee operation. The first episode will highlight how beneficial the inclusion of 12 sessions post knee arthroscopy can be around improving muscle size, strength & function. 


The article I review is: 

Blood flow restriction training after knee arthroscopy: a randomized controlled pilot study

Tennent, D. J., Hylden, C. M., Johnson, A. E., Burns, T. C., Wilken, J. M., & Owens, J. G. (2017). Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 27(3), 245-252.

What I enjoy about these papers is how simple the intervention are and how beneficial it is.

And across the spectrum of everyone, the advantage of BFR is that is portable and can be done anywhere. Also with restrictions to gym access during the COVID period, this furthermore plays a great advantage to putting BFR into your rehab program.


If you are looking to purchase your own set of cuffs or want more information please visit my website at


Thanks for listening and see you next month.